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Progress with statistics reporting

Progress is being made when it comes to "Catholic Portal" VuFind statistics reporting.

Yesterday I broke down and re-wrote my log file import application. Instead of parsing the log, ingesting the results, and then post processing, I re-wrote the application so it does all of this in one pass. I also enhanced the program so it could take command line input. Specifically, if no arguments are supplied, then it will import yesterday's log data. Otherwise it expects two inputs: 1) a beginning date, and 2) an ending date. If given these inputs, then I can drop the entire database and re-create it almost effortlessly. The script is called, and it is now running under cron so the database gets updated daily.

The next step is to create and automate reporting functions. I have already created a number of SQL queries. They are designed to be run from a shell script which outputs results to plain text files. These plain text files are presently put on the Web in a temporary location. This process is rather brain-dead. The next steps will include creating some sort of Web-based front-end allowing readers (increasingly I don't use the word "users") to complete some sort of form and get real-time results.

Wish me luck.

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