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Founders of the Catholic News Archive

The Archive was developed by the Catholic Research Resources Alliance members and participating newspaper partners toward the goal of providing access to all extant Catholic newspapers in North America. We are grateful to the Founders, listed below, and The Catholic Communication Campaign of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for their generous financial support.

  1. Archdiocese of New Orleans
  2. Ave Maria University School of Law Library
  3. Catholic Communication Campaign of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
  4. Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
  5. Catholic Theological Union
  6. Catholic University of America
  7. College of the Holy Cross
  8. Duquesne University
  9. Georgetown University
  10. Loyola University Chicago
  11. Marquette University
  12. Mount St. Mary's University
  13. Ohio Dominican University
  14. Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters
  15. Saint Louis University
  16. Seton Hall University
  17. St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
  18. St. Norbert College
  19. St. Thomas University
  20. St. Thomas Seminary Library of the Archdiocese of Hartford
  21. University of Dayton
  22. University of Notre Dame
  23. University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary
  24. University of San Diego
  25. University of San Francisco
  26. University of St. Thomas